January 18, 2010

Letter to the Ingeniero

My wife Anita Rodriguez, and I, Patrick McCaffrey, own 50 hectares of land on the Guayllabamba river, a short distance above the proposed location of the Mandariacu hydroelectric project. It is our home in Ecuador, and we will be living there permanently in July of this year. We have been building a house and other cabins and living there part of the time since 2004. There is currently a family living there as our caretakers, Lucho Obanda and his wife and daughter.  We bought the land to protect it as an ecological preserve and to create a small ecotourism business centered on environmental education.  We understand from the project proposal that the Mandariacu dam will flood a large part of our property that includes all the houses. It will also flood the home of our neighbors on the adjacent property, as well as the road and the bridge that crosses the Rio Guaycuyacu.
We are very concerned that we will lose all we have worked for for many years. We respectfully request that the location of the Mandariacu project be reconsidered to avoid displacing us from our home, our neighbors from their home, and flooding the road that provides access to the town of Santa Rosa. 

Patrick McCaffrey y Anita Rodriguez

His Reply:
Estiamdos Señores 
Patrick McCaffrey y Anita Rodriguez

De mis consideraciones:

Me permito informales a ustedes que los estudios del Proyecto Manduriacu se han inicado recientemnte; y que, la definición de las características del mismo tiene un proceso un tanto prolongado en donde se considerarán aspectos soicles y ambinetales  como el que ustedes describen. Mucho agradeceré  mantenerse informados de los resultados de los estudios a través de la Gerencia de Desarrollo humano de Hidroequinoccio quines son los voceros oficales del propietario del proyecto.


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