February 19, 2014

Updates on the Hydroelectric project

Boy, times flies and we are not getting any younger, but for sure we are getting wiser! Since my last post where I write about cutting the motilon tree, in the blog I can't continue for some reason (Back in Ecuador), many things have happened. The wood is dry now and it would go to get ready for building our new house. In the past year and a half we have continued with the uncertainty of what is going to happen with our place once we give it to the government, when and how much we will receive of compensation for our loss, and when do we need to move out. Happily we now have answers to all these questions and we can finally see a clear future ahead of us.
The land with the forest and fruit trees (30 acres) and the 6 cabins that will be expropriated from us will be part of an experimental farm that will be funded by CELEC, a governmental entity and who is in charge of the hydroelectric project. I am very happy for that because we did not want to see this beautiful place to be abandoned once we leave. Now they will create a place for education, research, wild life rescue, tourism, etc. I really hope I can be involve in the management of this place and probably it will be a paid position. We will see what the universe has in storage for us.
We know how much money we will received as a compensation for our loss. It is honestly more than we expected and we are happy for that. With that money we are planning our relocation. We have hired a company to build us a road in the upper part of our farm, distant from the lake that will be formed. Once this road is finished (hopefully before the end of March) we will start the construction of our home.  We have already some dry wood and we will use this time bricks and rocks from the river. We hope to have a home to move to before October when the lake will be filled for the first time.
Before that we will need to leave our cabins, probably by early May. I won't be sad anymore because I will know that new and exciting things will happen in our land! 

May 30, 2010


This blog was intended to talk about the time and things we needed to do during our transition period moving from California to Ecuador. Since January 7th to July 7th we had 6 months to go. However, I realized that because of the potential hydroelectric project proposed near our land and that this basically would wipe out all our dreams for our life in Ecuador, I needed a more positive place to talk about our move and settling experience. The potential dam is still present but we need to wait another year and I can't do much from here.
In the mean time, I created a new blog that will not involve any hydroelectric project matters. For that I will come back here once I have updates.
Here is the new blog if anyone is interested: Back in Ecuador

February 12, 2010


Update from Meredith Foyle --- 

Monday February 8th, the day before we left for Colombia, I bused to Pacto from Quito for a meeting with the Hidroequinoccio (HEQ) people, now a public company (Provincial and National governments) charged with managing the ambitious Rio Guayllabamba integrated hydroelectric system. They presented the team they've contracted to do the pre- and feasibility studies, a consortium ("TCA") between a French company (TRACTEBEL -experienced in hydroelectric projects) and an Ecuadorian one (CAMINOSCA -experienced in civil engineering design). Ricardo Buitron, the co-director and design chief of TCA was the main presenter. The technical staff then explained the process to a mixed audience of local parish and even more local community government officials and interested citizens of Pacto Parish. TCA will directly undertake topographic, geological, geophysical and hydrological studies. Raul Nu–ez is one of the technical people; the other didn't give his name but I can find out. Silvana Ibarra is their environmental and public relations person. The more technical environmental part of the studies will be subcontracted to yet another, more specialized company, whose name they have yet to give me. 

Both HEQ and TCA did a pretty good job of presenting the project, definitely with more pertinent detail than ever before, and they were open to questions and patient with us. In a word, professional. Basically, the 3 feasibility studies have begun, and we will be seeing these people in the area for the next 16 months or so. They say they will never enter anyone's land without prior notice, and explained each part of the study with pictures of the tools they will use to drill for samples, gave us details of the magnitude of intervention necessary (not too much, for the most part, except that the site is pretty difficult to access), what kind of samples they take, what is left in situ afterwards, and what kinds of jobs will be on offer to local people (very few, low-level, and mostly very short term). TCA will spend 3 months on the first study (pre-feasibility), 7 months on the second, and 6 months on the third, advanced one. The whole series is expected to be completed in April of 2011. After a while I stopped asking questions because it will be more informative to talk with their technical staff one on one. A working relationship is developing with both the HEQ and TCA teams, as we are not only stakeholders (who must go through HEQ to communicate with TCA) but also members of an affected community (Santa Rosa) AND property owners in said area, with whom they will communicate directly in order to complete their mandate. AND we happen to have been in the area a long time and have records of rainfall, wildlife, etc that no one else has, so we are fairly good informants for them. In truth, they seem quite solicitous of our goodwill (never a bad thing, as long as we don't let it go to our heads.

The Manduriacu site downstream of us is slated to produce 170 mw, with a 70 m high dam and a 3.5 km pressure tube (shunt?) (passing under Guayabillas?). Its 8-10 km long "embalse" -the Guayllabamba river backed up behind the dam- would probably flood the low-lying areas of our farm (certainly the Bocana, where R. Guaycuyacu enters the Guayllabamba, but also possibly ALL of Jim's orchards (our livelihood, the seeds of those 500+ spp of tropical fruits from all over the world), and our house. At one point in the presentation, it sounded as though the big river would be backed up all the way to Chontal! Naturally, we are not the only ones affected in the area, though we -and Don Pepe Yanouch, the famous "Gringo Pepe"- are among those who have developed their low-lying lands more intensively than most folks. 

So Jim and I are gathering documentation of the value of our farm as it stands -letters of recommendation, at this point. And we are gathering information gleaned from the experiences of others who have been up against similar projects. 

From an environmental standpoint, it occurs to me that an independent, multi-disciplinary team of scientists (a range of biologists, botanists, but also geologists, geophysicists, and hydrologists) might come in to do a Rapid Area Assessment (survey) before the project gets underway, as it is an area where little or no scientific studies have occurred, and it would be good to catalog what is there now, to determine if there are important species or conditions that should be taken into account; test water, etc. Are there minerals that would turn toxic underwater and become pollutants? (some kind of mercury does this, i read in a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC article) It would offer the possibility of new species discovery
  (e.g. a couple of new frog species discovered recently in nearby Pedro Vicente Maldonado). Obviously, the company that's sub-contracted to do the feasibility studies will do some of this, but the idea of a second, independent opinion sounds comforting to me.

I pray that in the course of it all they will discover the site is not viable for geophysical reasons (best case scenario). We are hydro-users ourselves, so it isn't so much about what they propose (though a smaller SCALE would be less intimidating) as it is WHERE they propose it... Some of what they have planned is quite good: the Guayllabamba River could USE to be cleaned up, and Quito's sewage treated to something more wholesome than a trip downstream to Esmeraldas. It wouldn't be bad to have chemical farming taken to task for the pollution it causes through runoff or direct dumping, and the cost of that factored into their pricing (it could give organic farmers a better edge in providing wholesome food, etc.) And the studies could boost local appreciation of just what we are living with here, of the value to good water, good soil, wildlife, etc. So stay tuned, we're in it for the long haul.

After their presentation was over (2 hours!) the HEQ people (Lorena and Veronica and their driver) took me to lunch and then we drove to our farm, because Lorena felt she needed to respond to Jim's letter, and also I think they were curious. We gave them plenty of weird fruits, some gorgeous ginger flowers, guayabilla juice and rum balls, Jim took them to the Poza and then I returned with them to Quito. Wham, bam! But they were enchanted, and called the place paradise. 
I refrained from mentioning they might well flood it out. At this point, discretion is the better part of diplomacy. I do not want to be adversarial unless it becomes necessary. Kindness is never out of place, nor generosity.

January 18, 2010

Letter to the Ingeniero

My wife Anita Rodriguez, and I, Patrick McCaffrey, own 50 hectares of land on the Guayllabamba river, a short distance above the proposed location of the Mandariacu hydroelectric project. It is our home in Ecuador, and we will be living there permanently in July of this year. We have been building a house and other cabins and living there part of the time since 2004. There is currently a family living there as our caretakers, Lucho Obanda and his wife and daughter.  We bought the land to protect it as an ecological preserve and to create a small ecotourism business centered on environmental education.  We understand from the project proposal that the Mandariacu dam will flood a large part of our property that includes all the houses. It will also flood the home of our neighbors on the adjacent property, as well as the road and the bridge that crosses the Rio Guaycuyacu.
We are very concerned that we will lose all we have worked for for many years. We respectfully request that the location of the Mandariacu project be reconsidered to avoid displacing us from our home, our neighbors from their home, and flooding the road that provides access to the town of Santa Rosa. 

Patrick McCaffrey y Anita Rodriguez

His Reply:
Estiamdos Señores 
Patrick McCaffrey y Anita Rodriguez

De mis consideraciones:

Me permito informales a ustedes que los estudios del Proyecto Manduriacu se han inicado recientemnte; y que, la definición de las características del mismo tiene un proceso un tanto prolongado en donde se considerarán aspectos soicles y ambinetales  como el que ustedes describen. Mucho agradeceré  mantenerse informados de los resultados de los estudios a través de la Gerencia de Desarrollo humano de Hidroequinoccio quines son los voceros oficales del propietario del proyecto.


January 10, 2010

January 2010 - last trip to California

We just got back from Ecuador and we had a wonderful trip. Pat, Mateo and I enjoyed good times with our Ecuadorian family, in our cozy apartment in Quito that looks like a home now, and a couple of trips to our beautiful nature preserve Yanapana in the rainforest. As many of you know, we plan to live on our land and develop a project of Ecotourism focusing on environmental education and community projects.  We see many opportunities for us to help in this area and I am sure we will know what to do once we are there. Since our last trip 1 ½ years ago, our caretakers finished “cabana #2” (does not have a name yet) which will provide sleeping for up to 4 people. They are also in the middle of building a third cabin named “Casa Grande” (the big house). This building will be a communal kitchen, living room and dinning room.

As we were leaving Ecuador on Thursday, we received news from our neighbors (who also own another nature preserve) that the government is looking into building 9 hydroelectric projects on a river that borders our lands. This project is in its early stages of study. If one of the dams is built where the project says, our land and our neighbors land will be flooded! We will do whatever we can from here to oppose this. We need to legally register our land as a nature preserve and hope that the government will consider the environmental impact in this area and move one of the dams further down the river. In the mean time we will go ahead with our plans.

We were a bit sad to come back but look forward to good times here in California before we move for good sometime this year.

Looking back at 2009, we were so thankful for the arrival of our son Mateo who has brought so much fun into our lives. Thanks also to my mom who has been helping us so I can continue to work and invest in our project in Ecuador. She is back with us now for the last few months.

Pat and I enjoy our jobs with Hidden Villa and Environmental Volunteers and will be sad to leave them because of the good friends we made here.

Looking forward to 2010, we will be getting ready for our move! We do not know when exactly as we need to save enough $$ for a truck. We have finished paying the property, the apartment in Quito and now we need a good vehicle to go from Quito to the land. It could take up to 6 hours by public transportation if available but it only takes 3 ½ hours in a truck.  On this last trip to Ecuador we took some things we want to keep and left them in Quito. Some other things will go with us when we move. We do not plan to ship or air mail anything since it could be very expensive so we will be selling and giving away what we have. 

We would like to recruit all our friends contact information to keep in touch from Ecuador.